Segregation is Wrong: Protester Picket the Woolworth store
The Greensboro sit-ins included activity outside the lunch counter. Everyday people marched outside the stores. In this photograph from April 14, 1960, the picketers were mostly ministers from a church committee that organized a protest of Woolworth policies in conjunction with the Congress of Racial Equality. The Woolworth's manager estimated that only 5 percent of his trade consisted of African Americans, but the loss of business and patronage from other customers scared away by the demonstrations cost the store $200,000 in sales in 1960. Sales decreased by 20 percent in Greensboro, with profits off by 50 percent.

"Protest by Ministers," April 14, 1960. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection. Library of Congress (LC-DIG-ppmsca-08096).