Material and Symbol: the Lincoln/Keckley Dress
Era 4 (Expansion and Reform 1801-1861): Standard 2: How the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and the westward movement changed the lives of Americans and led toward regional tensions.
2B: The student understands the first era of American urbanization.
- Therefore, the student is able to:
- (7-12) Explain the growth of free African American communities in the cities and account for the rise of racial hostility. [Examine the influence of ideas]
- (5-12) Compare popular and high culture in the growing cities. [Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas]
Era 4: Standard 4: The sources and character of cultural, religious, and social reform movements in the antebellum period.
4A: The student understands the abolitionist movement.
- Therefore, the student is able to:
- (7-12) Analyze changing ideas about race and assess the reception of proslavery and antislavery ideologies in the North and South. [Examine the influence of ideas]
- (5-12) Explain the fundamental beliefs of abolitionism and compare the antislavery positions of the "immediatists" and "gradualists" within the movement. [Consider multiple perspectives]
- (9-12) Compare the positions of African American and white abolitionists on the issue of the African American's place in society. [Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas]